BEND - Bayesian Estimation of Nonlinear Data (BEND)
Provides a set of models to estimate nonlinear
longitudinal data using Bayesian estimation methods. These
models include the: 1) Bayesian Piecewise Random Effects Model
(Bayes_PREM()) which estimates a piecewise random effects
(mixture) model for a given number of latent classes and a
latent number of possible changepoints in each class, and can
incorporate class and outcome predictive covariates (see Lamm
(2022) <> and Lock et al.,
(2018) <doi:10.1007/s11336-017-9594-5>), 2) Bayesian Crossed
Random Effects Model (Bayes_CREM()) which estimates a linear,
quadratic, exponential, or piecewise crossed random effects
models where individuals are changing groups over time (e.g.,
students and schools; see Rohloff et al., (2024)
<doi:10.1111/bmsp.12334>), and 3) Bayesian Bivariate Piecewise
Random Effects Model (Bayes_BPREM()) which estimates a
bivariate piecewise random effects model to jointly model two
related outcomes (e.g., reading and math achievement; see
Peralta et al., (2022) <doi:10.1037/met0000358>).